Blog Post #5- Why Use Gospel Tracts? - April 8, 2022

Welcome! Thanks for joining me at the Evangelism Toolkit blog! Find information, encouragement, and tips about preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ here. We offer this weekly blog along with a challenge to complete that will help you grow in your evangelism efforts.

Let’s talk about tracts. I know some Christians (like me!) love them. Others are not so sure. I would like to try and persuade you to add these amazing and life-saving tools to your toolbox!

Reasons tracts can be helpful

*they clearly present the gospel message and God uses them to save people!!!

*they can act as an icebreaker and help initiate a gospel conversation

*they can fully present the message of salvation when you don’t have time

*they can be used to reinforce a gospel conversation you’ve just had or had in the past

*they’re never afraid

*they never compromise their message

*they never get tired, discouraged, or give up

*they can be sent places you can’t go

*they only speak when they are read - in the reader’s timeframe

Romans 1:16 says “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.” The power to save is in the MESSAGE itself. Not in the MESSENGER! The reality is that some people won’t use them because they’re embarrassed . They’ve convinced themselves that tracts aren’t cool. But what could be cooler than laying aside your own fears and preferences to show sacrificial love to someone else? If God uses tracts to save people, why wouldn’t I use them?

Please take a few minutes to watch this man’s testimony of being saved by God through a gospel tract.

This week’s challenge. Pray. Ask God to show you situations where gospel tracts would be helpful. Give one away this week. Pray for the receiver. Consider using tracts regularly. We’ll discuss this more next week and I’ll show you some of my family’s favorites, how to use them, and where to order them! If you don’t currently have any, see if you can get some at church on Sunday. (Freedom Church Baltimore, you can grab some in the lobby!) You might even choose to send some Easter/Resurrection Day cards to your unbelieving friends or family or neighbors. Put a great tract in it, or use your skills of presenting the “ninety second gospel” (see last week’s post) in written form to let them know how important the Day actually is!

Grace and peace,
