Blog Post #19 - Awesome Analogies Part 3 - September 16, 2022

Hi, Evangelism Buddies,

Glad you’re back for more tips and encouragement in your faith walk!

Please come to our Evangelism Training at Freedom Church Baltimore on October 1st and 8th (two sessions). The sessions will be provided for you free of charge! It is an amazing workshop and you will learn SO SO SO much! Childcare will be provided as well if you sign up very soon!

Here are three more Awesome Analogies to aid in your conversations with lost people. And these are also edifying to people who are already following Christ as well!

This video gives three illustrations:

1- Trusting in your own good works: two men went to the Temple to pray

2- It's impossible to be good enough to get to Heaven: the pier across the Atlantic

3- It's impossible to be good enough to get to Heaven: the microchip

Enjoy! If you click on the title of the blog post you will be directed to a page where you can leave a comment!

grace and peace,
