Pray For REACH?

Dear friends,

Thank you so very much for partnering with us in prayer for REACH. REACH is a five day missions camp that teaches people to evangelize and then takes them out to share the gospel with people. They go to the marketplace as well as assisted living homes to tell of the mighty works that God has done in salvation through Jesus Christ. This year’s event will run from Wed, July 13th through Sunday, July 17th.

Here are two lists to pray through.

List #1:

● Glorifying to God - Pray that the name of the Lord would be magnified through our thoughts, words, and actions.

● Logistics - pray that the overall schedule, logistics with ministry sites, transportation, and all other details involved will run smoothly

● Unity - pray that all those in leadership will be of the same mind and unified with clear goals and passion. Also pray for team unity: that all missionaries, small group leaders, etc...will work together and be of the same mind

● Protection/Safety - pray for protection over the Peeler home and the other places where people are staying - many people will be staying at their home through the duration of the trip. Though there are great precautions being taken for the safety of all, pray that the neighbors would have no complaints. Also, pray for protection over the team during ministry days as we will be out on the streets.

● Spiritual protection - the Gospel is going forth! What more would the devil want to do than sow discord among the brethren, bring sickness onto the team, cause sleeplessness and discouragement to arise, and bring distractions and spread lies around the group? Please cry out to God for protection from the onslaught of the enemy as we know he wishes to destroy every part of this trip in any way he can!

● Leadership - pray for wisdom, discernment, strength, and ability to cast vision to the missionaries as well as provide rich spiritual teaching and guidance to all

● Ministry sites - open hearts and conviction of the Holy Spirit on all the lost souls we will encounter including those at the assisted living homes, Lexington Market, Baltimore Inner Harbor, Annapolis City Docks, Glen Burnie light rail, etc...

● Salvation! Pray that the Gospel will go forth in great power as the team will be sharing their faith with hundreds and that many lost will come to Jesus

● Missionaries - cry out to God to stamp eternity on all the eyes of those participating in REACH. Pray for God to meet every person in a powerful and personal way that encourages, convicts, and inspires. Pray that these young people will be so heavily impacted with the reality of the Gospel in their own lives so that they will be eager to go home and change their worlds for Jesus!

● The overall goal - Missionaries would take the gospel to their communities long after REACH.

List #2:

PLEASE pray for ...

·          prayer coverage during each day from many co-laborers!!

·          Open hearts and minds in those the team proclaims the gospel to

·          Boldness and fearlessness to preach the gospel

·          Tenderhearted love and yearning for the lost to be saved

·          Safety for all the young missionaries and all the REACH teams

·          Safe travel and no car breakdowns

·          No rain during ministry times

·          Young people growing in the Lord Jesus during REACH--that God would regenerate those who might think they are saved, but are not; that He would do a lasting work of grace in the hearts of all participants; that REACH would launch all missionaries into a lifestyle of evangelism

·          Many people coming to hear the open-air preaching at Lexington Market, Inner Harbor, and Annapolis City Docks

·          Gospel seeds planted deeply into the hearts of tons of people, with many being saved

·          Physical, emotional, mental strength for Chris and Linda (the leaders!) and the other leaders

·          Unity among all the leaders and missionaries

·          A strong presence of the Holy Spirit during throughout REACH (Tuesday evening through Sunday afternoon).

·          ANYTHING else the Holy Spirit places on your heart to pray!

With Love and Gratitude,

Mary (for the Peelers)

grace and peace!