Blog Post #12- Powerful Evangelism Quotes- May 27, 2022

Hello, Friends! I definitely consider you a friend if you are following along with this blog, because obviously we have something very special in common - the desire to seek and save the lost as Jesus did! Now obviously, we can’t save anyone, right? That’s God’s job. But we can try to do the job that He commanded us which is to preach the gospel to every creature.

Hebrews 10:24 says, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds…” Today I want to share a few quotes from some very fruitful Christian men and women that spur me on to keep going! And I want to highlight a book that inspires me in the pursuit of evangelism as well.

First, some helpful quotes:

As I mentioned above, another way to keep motivated for the task at hand is to read from this book: Spurgeon Gold. It is a compilation of evangelistic stories and quotes by the famous “Prince of Preachers,” Charles Spurgeon. Keep it by your bedside and read a short portion at a time, begging God to give you a proper concern for the lost! And Freedom Church Baltimore members, I have ordered two (LARGE PRINT! Yay!) copies for our new Evangelism Lending Library. Please find me at church to check it out!

This week’s challenge: please read through the quotes list found HERE. Ask the Holy Spirit to correct any misunderstandings you have about evangelism. Ask Him to fuel your heart with His passion to save souls.

Grace and Peace!

PS- Don’t forget to schedule a time to go witnessing with MGKM. Click HERE and read the challenge at the end of Blog Post # 11 for more details!