Blog Post #7- More On Tracts! - April 22, 2022

Welcome! So glad you’ve chosen to spend a few minutes with me thinking about how to serve people who don’t yet know CHRIST. I am thankful for you!!!

Last week I showed you three of my favorite gospel tracts. What did you think of them? This week I’m going to show you several more and ask you again to give some away.

I love this cartoon tract. You can order paper copies HERE and you can also email the free animated version to others or post it to your social media accounts. The printed version comes in Spanish as well as English and is great to give to both adults and teens. The animated version is available in different languages as well.

I also really love a tract called 101 of The World’s Funniest One-Liners. It is HILARIOUS! Once I gave it to a store clerk and when I returned to the same store the next day she was reading the jokes to her manager. The manager asked, “Where did you get those?” and she replied, “some lady gave it to me yesterday.” I certainly took credit for the entertainment! And, I can’t remember for sure, but I most likely gave one to the manager as well! Find it HERE- take a few moments to read through the text. I guarantee you will laugh! I often will give these to people like security guards or receptionists or restaurant hostesses. I do often tell the recipient that there’s a message about what God has done for us that contains bad news first and then good news. Typically a person will say, “Oh, ok, thank you!”

I just bought a few packs of this tract, called Your Life, and I’m gonna see how it goes! CLICK HERE

Here’s a very short video that will give you a bit more information about tracts. It is followed by another very short video of what giving tracts out on a street corner can look like. I find this to be very accurate! Although usually the team of people I go out witnessing with are typically trying to initiate conversations in addition to just passing out tracts. Please ask God to give you the motivation and the courage to give a few away this week, and let me and our blog buddies know how it goes in the comments below!

Grace and Peace!
